sábado, 12 de diciembre de 2015


My dream job would be food tester. In my opinion, this work would allow me to eat as much free food as I want, and also they pay me for eat. The great thing about this job ,is that it always change, so it does not become a routine, and there’s something new every day, there are new flavours, new types of food like ice cream, fast food, coffee, pastry, folk, etc. For example one day you can try a Japanese restaurant food, other day Chilean food, or Peruvian. On the other hand, this work allows me to travel to different cities to meet their restaurants, and if you're really good you can travel to other countries. This would let me discover many cities, countries, and get to know different cultures. Finally, it allows me to have a flexible schedule because it is an individual job, and also have free time to spend it in those new places, because you can work during lunch, mealtime or both, because the job required doing so during this periods.

The worst job I wouldn’t work in would be prision official, because it is a very dangerous job, especially for women. It works with dangerous people that are in prision for serious crimes, because they broke the law. This is why you should always be alert if a prisoner escapes, if he tries to hurt a fellow prisoner, or themselves. For any emergency you have to use force or a weapon, which are difficult to manoeuvre and very dangerous. The salary is average, and there is not a high percentage of ascents, which would allow you a raise in your salary. On the other hand, working hours are very bad because sometimes you have to work at night until very early in the morning.

miércoles, 18 de noviembre de 2015

“Manal al Sharif: a Saudi woman who dared to drive”

in the video Manal explain how she achieve to change the law that allows to drive a woman in Saudi Arabian.

Women in Saudi arabia are not supposed to drive cars, but there is no law banning women from diving, it is a custom and tradition of the predominant religous ultra –conservative in this country that imposed on women because they think that they are inferior.
Manal thing that this is not a free country if the woman haven’t the same custom and tradition like the man, and beacuse of that she desided to drived a car of his brother.
She was punishemnt for do this because woman can’t drive by the religouse rules, but no because the law ( don’t exist this law).

Her son was hit in the school by his classmates, and say that he and his mother must be in jail. Manal think that this thoughts were influenced by the adult round them. And this is a result of the opressive societies.
Because of that she fight for free roles and equality societies.
She sent a petition to the shura council

The most difficult with his action was to change the mind of the people who things that the women in Saudi Arabian aren’t the same that the man. More than to change the law of the country.
In the begin most people thing that she was a traitor and most people thing that she might be  punishment for daring to challenge the society’s rules
 but with the tecnologhy (twitter, Facebook) slowly the person start to joim forces to this action and it began to gain strength. And finaly she sent a petition to the shura council and they desided to permit women to drive.

It because of that when she ask what is worst: opressive societies or opressive goverment, i thing that is worst opressive societies.

miércoles, 28 de octubre de 2015


In my house there are a lot of arts that are made by my mother. his hobby is painting ceramic things and embroidered with woollen yarn, And she shows her arts in the walls of my house.
The thematic of these arts are mostly jew things, like a David star, Jerusalem, Wailing Wall, etc.
The emblematic embroider in my house is one of those, that my mother made a few years ago (ten years ago), that shows a Rab plays a shofar (a ram's horn blown as a wind instrument, that use in religious ceremonies) and behind are some jews praying at the Wailing Wall.
This art is very detailed because with the different colors of the wool, express the lights and shadows of the Rab and in the rocks of this wailing Wall. The colors that she mostly used are Brown, yellow, White, orange, and black.
My mother embraced the Wailing Wall with vanishing point to create perspective, and to show the space front this Wall.
The motion of this art is the Rab playing the shofar, because he has the biggest proportion, and he occupied the half of this embroidery.

miércoles, 7 de octubre de 2015

Dawson island

The Dawson island is in the south of Chile, in the Strait of Magellan. This island has been a witness of important facts in the chilean history. One of those stores was regarding the massive slaughter of the aboriginal group Selknam, who were the first human beings in inhabiting this area. Many years later in the period of the military government, from 1973 to 1974, a massive amount of parliamentarians were sent there: senior officials and the ex-ministers, who were sent to this island as political prisoners. It is told that there they were tortured. After these years the island was dismantled without leaving tracks on these facts. Nowadays, the island is a national monument, which is why it does not allow access to citizens. In my opinion, the government should rethink the fact about not allowing people to enter, because in this island happened important acts, such as the extermination of the selknam and the concentration camp of political prisoners. We like citizens have the duty to know our history and to recover the country's memories. The revenue to this island would mean that future generations could go and have conscience of the physical place where human rights were violated so that this does not happen again.